01. 高雅盛名 Grace Name [0:04:09.64]
02. 九州芳苑 Flowers Garden of China [0:01:22.28]
03. 百花齐放 Glory Thousands Blossom [0:03:59.61]
04. 天方夜谭 One Thousand and One Night [0:06:27.56]
05. 绝美一方 The Most Beautiful Place [0:04:22.24]
06. 超凡脱俗 Fairyism [0:03:08.18]
07. 清香回甘 Mellow Sweet [0:04:51.64]
08. 万古流芳 Immortal Forever [0:04:56.00]
09. 流芳百世 Imperishable [0:04:50.60]
10. 文雅大方 Cultured [0:04:41.26]
11. 古树新芽 New Leaf of Old Three [0:03:33.12]
12. 一跃冲天 Jump so High [0:14:08.05]
茶道 - CD2:弦音茶韵
01. 茉莉花 Jasmine Flower [0:05:11.12]
02. 四季歌 Four Seasons Song [0:04:02.59]
03. 幽兰 Orchid [0:04:58.61]
04. 高山流水 Lofty Mountain and Flowing Water [0:07:56.06]
05. 沂蒙小调 Tune of Yimeng [0:05:36.69]
06. 月儿高 The Moon Flying High [0:06:07.64]
07. 小河淌水 Flowing River [0:05:33.14]
08. 梅花三弄 The Three Variations on Plum Blossom [0:05:23.08]
茶道 - CD3:茶情雅致
01. 夜来香 Night-flowering Jasmine [0:03:27.56]
02. 草原之夜 Grassland Night [0:04:30.66]
03. 康定情歌 Love Songs of Kangding Grassland [0:05:47.17]
04. 祝你平安 Wish You Heathy [0:04:11.20]
05. 阿拉木汗 Alamuhan [0:05:04.44]
06. 红豆 Red Bean [0:04:08.66]
07. 赶牲灵 Drive the Livestock [0:05:24.39]
08. 童年 Childhood [0:03:26.62]
09. 霸王卸甲 The King Take off His Armor [0:10:07.64]
茶道 - CD4:茶语清心
01. 无锡景 View of Wuxi [0:04:26.03]
02. 涛声依旧 The Wave Still [0:04:31.08]
03. 南海姑娘 Girls of Nanhai [0:03:15.62]
04. 兰花花 Lan Huahua [0:05:48.36]
05. 关山月 Moon over The Guanshan [0:06:40.05]
06. 嘎达梅林 Ga Da Mei Lin [0:04:18.39]
07. 在那遥远的地方 A Distant Place [0:04:58.72]
08. 思想起 Remember of [0:05:37.33]
09. 我曾爱过一个男孩 I Have Been Loved A Boy [0:04:45.17]
茶道 - CD5:铁观音
01. 梦不到你 Dream without You [0:04:13.10]
02. 掀起你的盖头来 Raise Cover of The Maid [0:04:58.54]
03. 孟姜女 Lady Mengjiang [0:06:05.09]
04. 潇湘水云 Clouds over The Xiao and Xiang River [0:07:40.60]
05. 美丽的草原我的家 Great Grassland Is My Home [0:04:06.08]
06. 玛依拉 Malayi [0:04:28.16]
07. 吻别 Kiss Goodbye [0:03:50.54]
08. 情凭谁来定错对 Who Could Decide The Dispute in Love [0:04:43.24]
09. 绣灯笼 Embroider the Glim [0:05:31.05]
茶道 - CD6:碧螺春
01. 半个月亮爬上来 The Moon Come Up Half Part [0:04:20.20]
02. 常回家看看 Back To Home Frequently [0:03:44.50]
03. 军港之夜 Night Of Navy Harbor [0:03:47.11]
04. 小白菜 Little Cabbage [0:04:20.50]
05. 草原夜色美 Beautiful Grassland Night [0:04:00.26]
06. 阳关三叠 Three Folders Of Yangguan [0:07:50.35]
07. 家乡 Hometown [0:04:16.61]
08. 在银色月光下 Under The Silver Moonlight [0:05:45.61]
09. 牧歌 Bucolic Songs [0:05:52.58]
茶道 - CD7:西湖龙井
01. 弯弯的月亮 The Acinacifoliate Moon [0:04:46.51]
02. 小城故事 Story of A Small Town [0:04:23.39]
03. 一剪梅 Plum Blossom [0:04:45.48]
04. 遥远的地方 A Distant Place [0:05:29.17]
05. 一直是晴天 Always Sunshine [0:04:10.10]
06. 难忘的初恋 Indelibility First Love [0:04:34.16]
07. 莫愁 Mo Chou [0:06:07.27]
08. 爱在心里 Love in Heart [0:04:43.03]
09. 雾里看花 Enjoy Flowers Permeate The Fog [0:03:52.66]
10. 秋蝉 Cicada in Autumn [0:03:18.47]
11. 但愿人长久 A Deport Wish For Friends [0:04:01.52]
茶道 - CD8:壶语
01. 真的好想你 Really Miss You [0:04:20.57]
02. 南泥湾 Nan Ni Bay [0:03:54.42]
03. 月亮代表我的心 The Moon Reflect My Heart [0:05:36.04]
04. 月光下的凤尾竹 Feng Wei Bamboo under The Moonlight [0:03:58.43]
05. 今宵多珍重 Take Care [0:05:03.49]
06. 十五的月亮 The Moon of The Mid-autumn Festival [0:04:27.40]
07. 美酒加咖啡 Wine Mixed with Coffee [0:04:58.20]
08. 花心 Heart of Flowers [0:03:38.33]
09. 忘不了 Indelibility [0:04:40.57]
10. 味道 The Flavour [0:04:16.59]